Undergraduate Research

Getting involved in research can be the single most influential experience of your undergraduate career. It gives you the opportunity to intensively apply the skills and knowledge you have acquired, and be a part of the process that generates new ideas and technologies. We strongly encourage you to seek opportunities to participate in research, either with our department of elsewhere in the University of Arizona. As a Research I institution, the University of Arizona offers unique opportunities to participate in cutting-edge research. This sort of experience is particularly valuable if you plan on attending graduate school.

Curious about Computing Research? Check out guidance and student stories to help you navigate on the Student Pathways into Research Computing site maintained by the Computing Research Association (CRA).

There are several opportunities for optional research, independent study, and internship experiences. You can do coursework (see below) or participate in an REU (Research Experiences for Undergraduates) which are paid research positions, generally in the summer, either here in the department or at other schools. There are also opportunities across the university, through the Office of Undergraduate Research, as well as from the Computing Community Consortium of the CRA. 

It is possible to receive credit for doing research, though either Directed Research (CSC 392 and 492) or Independent Study (CSC 199, 299, 399, 499 and 199H, 299H, 399H, 499H). The differences are mainly in the grading scheme and whether the research is tied to an ongoing research project. Please read below for additional information about these individual studies experiences.


Directed Research (CSC 392, 492)

Students involved in Computer Science departmental research may receive academic credit as Directed Research. CSC 392 is for pre-majors and CSC 492 is for majors. Grades: A, B, C, D, E, I, W

Independent Study (CSC 199, 299, 399, 499)

Students with an idea for an academic project not tied to an ongoing research project or course may pursue independent study. Interested students must make a proposal to a faculty member to solicit support for the project. Students may earn independent study credit for approved projects. Grades: S, P, C, D, E, W

Honors Independent Study (CSC 199H, 299H, 399H, 499H)

Honors students with an idea for an academic project not tied to an ongoing research project or course may pursue independent study. Interested students must make a proposal to a faculty member to solicit support for the project. Students may earn independent study credit for approved projects. Grades: A, B, C, D, E, W

To register for research or independent study, a student and faculty member must work together to complete an Individual Studies Proposal Form. The form is then submitted to the Academic Services Office in Gould-Simpson Room 917.

The BS in AI requires completion of a capstone project (CSC 498). This project will be a group project for most students and therefore cannot be used to fill the senior thesis requirement (498H) for students completing their Honors College Requirements.